The Simple, Selfish Reason Silicon Valley Billionaires Support Trump

To the editor: It must be tough being a Silicon Valley billionaire these days. (“Why Some Silicon Valley Investors Are Backing the Trump-Vance Campaign,” July 18)

In addition to the endless stress of trying to decide where to build the next mansion or whether to buy a sports team or a movie studio, they are also forced to deal with all those pesky government regulations that prevent them from, you know, stealing our privacy, creating monopolies, ripping off consumers, harming children, and generally wreaking technological and financial havoc on our country.

As if that wasn't bad enough, we have the audacity to ask these selfless “job creators” to pay taxes on their wealth and income. What nerve!

No wonder these good, oppressed people have decided to support Donald Trump for president. He may be a corrupt and ignorant dictator, but at least he will lower their taxes and eliminate those pesky regulations.

Stephen Bulka, Los Angeles


To the editor: It's no secret why some Silicon Valley billionaires support Trump. They are very, very rich people who just want to get richer.

They know Trump will guarantee it as long as he and his family get their hands dirty.

Melissa Verdugo, Palos Verdes Ranch

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