The ridiculous argument that Kamala Harris doesn't have enough experience

To the editor: One letter writer raised concerns about Vice President Kamala Harris’ qualifications to become president. These included that she had no experience running an organization, had shown “no concern for the growing deficit,” and was “indifferent to the border crisis.”

The California Department of Justice that Harris oversaw as attorney general for six years may have only 5,600 people, but I think that should still count as experience in running an organization. More importantly, that experience shows that she knows the U.S. Constitution and the law well.

Deficits contribute to the national debt, and when comparing data on national debt accumulated by year in office, only George W. Bush accumulated more than Donald Trump.

Also, remember that earlier this year it was Republicans, under former President Trump, who walked away from a bipartisan agreement to address the border crisis.

And I don't think Trump's accomplishments in New York City necessarily qualified him for the presidency. After all, one of those accomplishments was becoming a convicted felon.

John Eaglesham, Long Beach

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