The labor dispute closes the iconic DTLA restaurant

Even after a century, the closure of the original Pantry coffee comes too soon (“the original Pantry coffee closes after more than 100 years”, March 3). When the iconic establishment of the center closed its doors on Sunday, a part of the history of Los Angeles was lost.

I devote myself in solidarity with staff and their union to fight for stability and job security. It is a pity that an agreement cannot be reached, but again, we see that profits triumphed over people. The dedicated staff and servers and workers, many of whom worked there for decades, made the restaurant what it was.

For my family, the original pantry was a basic element. My dad had been a pattern for more than 50 years, and made me regulate during the last 20. As innumerable angels and tourists, I will miss the pancakes, the portions of the pantry and, above all, the people.

Tyler Renner, San Diego

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