The KNX reporter who made being stuck in LA traffic fun

To the editor: Patt Morrison's article on SigAlert was excellent. However, I want to correct a glaring omission.

His piece on Los Angeles traffic reporters failed to mention one of the most notable: the late, great Bill Keene, who reported traffic and weather for KNX for nearly 40 years.

Keene was known for his bad puns. When there was a report of several dogs running loose on the highway, he described it as a “pack of six dogs.”

When car phones became common in the 1980s, Keene started his KNX information line for people to call about accidents, heavy traffic, and more. My user name was “Ventura Pete.” He answered the calls himself when he wasn't broadcasting and even hosted an event for his tipsters where KNX gave away special Thomas guides (I still have mine).

Keene animated and informed the daily commutes of many Angelenos over the years.

Peter Steinman, Palm Desert

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