The GOP's indefensible reasons for delaying aid to Ukraine

To the editor: If Ukraine had provoked a Russian attack carried out in accordance with international law, it would have no problem with the Republican Party's reluctance to help Ukraine. (“House Speaker Mike Johnson Should Stop Hesitating on Ukraine Aid and Hold a Vote,” editorial, February 23)

But I have yet to hear many Republicans deny pertinent facts: Russia had absolutely no legal cause to launch its horrific invasion, which has decidedly caused massive casualties to Ukrainian civilians, leaving untold thousands of them dead, wounded, impoverished and homeless.

The prolonged denial of the aid Ukraine needs to repel relentless Russian atrocities betrays the GOP's ignoble reasoning: siding with Democrats on such a high-profile issue would incur the wrath of former President Trump and thus cost them to the Republicans a large portion of the votes of their loyal base.

Trump's unlikely election in 2016 made our nation a laughing stock among other democracies. Now, with his lasting influence over the Republican Party, only America's enemies are smiling.

Very sad.

Greg Gilbert, Burney, California.


To the editor: When someone deliberately destroys your property and life, you must pay for these acts. It's called restitution, not theft.

The United States should seize all Russian assets in this country and use the money to supply Ukraine with the weapons it needs to defend itself. Any leftover money should be used to rebuild Ukraine.

Other countries should not fear this happening to their funds, unless they invade other countries. Let us simultaneously challenge Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Republican MAGA puppets.

Michael Schaller, City of the Temple

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