The fascinating Mojave Desert city in the spotlight of the solar industry

To the editor: Haven't large-scale solar and wind projects been visibly and unnecessarily degrading desert ecosystems for quite some time? (“Killing Joshua trees for a solar project in the desert? Readers are having none of that,” letters, June 8)

Since the patch of Joshua trees that used to be visible along Highway 5 near Lebec disappeared, the grove of these trees near Boron, site of the proposed solar development, has been one of the few places I know where They see so many nearby. a busy road. I feel very lucky to have visited Joshua Tree National Park before it became so unsustainable.

Boron is a sad and cute little town with an amazing museum. You can visit and learn all about the city's filming of “Erin Brockovich,” a film based on the true story of environmental complaints in nearby Hinkley. Those people have it hard enough without having to deal with the additional risk to respiratory health from dust raised during construction.

If they haven't destroyed the trees yet, maybe someone can get Julia Roberts back in town and advocate to stop this terrible idea from going forward.

GG Griesau, San Francisco


To the editor: Who's to say that a new technology could be developed that would make current solar energy obsolete?

The Pony Express became obsolete in less than a year due to the development of the telegraph. Napoleon built extensive canals to facilitate shipping, which were soon made obsolete by railroads.

Once Joshua trees are cut down, it will not be possible to recover them in the foreseeable period of time. But we will always have to reflect on the horror of what was done.

Daina Krigens, Encinitas

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