Taking a law-and-order approach to clearing Los Angeles' homeless encampments

To the editor:Los Angeles’ response to the problem of street encampments has been ineffective, not at all effective. (“Newsom and San Francisco take a wrong turn on homelessness,” editorial, August 8)

If the flow of a river coming down from a height is not controlled, it will flood the surrounding area and destroy the area where most people live.

According to a 2019 UCLA study, when 75% of homeless campers suffer from mental health or substance abuse issues, it is delusional to think that increased public generosity will solve the problem. Significant law and order must be applied to street encampments, or encampments in the city will continue to proliferate.

Lee Meister, St. Peter


To the editor: I agree with your editorial regarding Governor Gavin Newsom's misguided orders to establish encampments.

However, I am disappointed that he does not use people-first language to describe those experiencing homelessness. I hope he does so in the future.

Pam Marino, Pacific Grove, California.

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