Take RFK Jr. seriously or ignore him and let his campaign disappear?

To the editor: It is deeply disturbing and worrying that The Times continues to pay undeserved attention to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s insane presidential campaign under the pretext of journalistic balance.

Your recent article, “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Fights for Relevance as Presidential Campaign Restructures,” all but admits that his candidacy is irrelevant, but fails to add that it was only relevant as a spoiler.

And The Times's continued coverage helps ensure that that is what it could end up being, possibly to the detriment of our already fragile democracy.

Vincent Brook, Los Angeles


To the editor: “Kennedy seems to make news only when he does something, shall we say, strange,” says columnist Robin Abcarian, who writes for a media outlet that literally produces news.

By devoting newsprint to decade-old stories about dogs, worms and bears — instead of Kennedy’s 2024 platform of saving the middle class, building a coalition government, reducing the national debt and securing our borders — the very narrative being ridiculed is created. It’s like criticizing someone for being in the spotlight while you’re the one holding the flashlight.

If Kennedy's past is so interesting, why not focus on things that really matter, like his legal victories that have led to cleaner water and stronger global environmental and conservation policies?

The legal war challenging Kennedy's access to the ballot box and the blatant attempts by both parties and the mainstream media to silence, censor and smear this strange, admittedly flawed human being with the courage to stand up for himself — now that's news.

Karen Richardson, Tarzana

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