Steve who? Don't make political newcomer Steve Garvey a senator

To the editor: I can't understand why anyone would support Republican Steve Garvey for the US Senate. (“Schiff Takes Narrow Lead in Senate Race; Tight Race for Second Place, New Poll Shows,” Jan. 12)

I have been a resident of Palm Desert for 35 years and am moderately involved in community and political activities. I didn't know the former Dodgers first baseman lived in Palm Desert until he announced his candidacy for senator.

Garvey has had ample opportunities to serve on city commissions and committees, help with charities and service organizations, and become known in our community. Instead, he seems to act as if he has the right to become a senator just by being a professional athlete.

You only have to look at Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Alabama) to see how terrible it can be to elect inexperienced former athletes. We deserve candidates who have learned their craft, have built up a track record, and can articulate their positions on the issues facing the country.

David Middleton, Palm Desert

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