Steps Leaders Can Take to Improve Retention and Career Opportunities

Women in technology-related roles across industries have long faced gender gaps and lower pay than their male counterparts. Additionally, women may face prejudice and discrimination.

However, it is possible for women to thrive and excel in technology careers. Many of the work culture factors that help women succeed in tech careers benefit everyone at a company, regardless of gender.

In honor of Women's History Month, we heard from the following professionals talk about how tech leaders can help women retain and grow in tech careers. We also asked them about their experiences with common challenges women in tech face.

  • Shannon Nash, CFO of Wing, Alphabet's drone delivery company.
  • Bhavani Vangala, VP of Engineering at Onymos.
  • Robert Half CEO Randi Weitzman.
  • Karren Jensen, CEO of Conductor Software and graduate of the Aerospace Xeleated Program accelerator.

Women in technology, in numbers

According to the technological modernization company SPR, 73% of women in the technology sector have experienced gender bias during the last year (February 2023 to February 2024).

Labor market Hired found in 2023 that women in the tech sector earn less than their male counterparts on average. For every dollar a white man earns, a woman earns:

  • $0.90 for black women
  • $0.92 for Hispanic women.
  • $0.95 for white women.
  • $0.99 for Asian women.

Women made up 35% of all U.S. employees in computer systems design and related services as of January 2024, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

According to Statista, the proportion of female technology leaders worldwide has grown gradually since 2015 and in 2023 it maintained a maximum of 14%, the same as in 2022.

Discrimination faced by women in technology

“Stereotypes persist that perpetuate outdated standards that hinder women's advancement in the industry, such as those related to child or elder care,” Vangala said.

Specifically, she said, women have historically been viewed as “homemakers” in a way that bleeds into the workplace.

“Most of the time women are still asked to plan parties and activities, organize lunches and things like that,” she said. “As a woman who has spent the last two decades in the tech industry, I know that women possess talent and experience that far exceed those typical activities, but are still tasked with performing them.”

DOWNLOAD: This Workplace Anti-Discrimination Policy Template from TechRepublic Premium

Women may experience discrimination as a result of others not expecting to see them in leadership positions.

“As a woman running a technology company, I have experienced several times that, unless I am specifically introduced as CEO, men will openly direct their conversations and direct their bodies toward a male colleague or associate, assuming they are the CEO.” . Jensen said, in an email provided to TechRepublic.

How business leaders can improve career development opportunities for women in the technology sector

Some of the most important elements to improve professional development opportunities for women in the technology sector are:

  • Salary transparency.
  • Focused talent retention.
  • Training and mentoring.
  • Active listening and promotion of communication.
  • Flexibility.

Salary transparency

Pay transparency can benefit women in particular by highlighting the gender pay gap. Awareness of the pay gap can be the first step in encouraging organizations to eliminate it.

Focused talent retention

“Employers who are intentional and focused on supporting female talent can make tremendous strides in creating an equal and inclusive work environment,” Weitzman said.

“Most people in upper management know that unemployment is extremely low in IT, and it is more important than ever that they retain their employees,” Weitzman said. “It's still a high-demand space where a lot of hiring is happening.”

Training and mentoring

“Proactive, comprehensive bias training must go beyond the basics, delving into the nuances of unconscious bias and how it manifests in everyday interactions and decision-making,” Nash said.

Vangala emphasized that mentoring and educational programming for women in the workplace can enhance the professional development and advancement of women in technology.

“I strongly encourage leaders to develop specific internal teams that create in-depth educational programming that takes place weekly or monthly online or in-person,” Vangala said. “This programming should offer a mix of topics for women to choose from, whether it be technical, business, or organizational management content.”

Additionally, “women in technology should be encouraged to engage with a diverse group of mentors that includes people at all levels within the company and from all backgrounds,” Vangala said.

Active listening and promotion of communication.

Another important element is active listening: focusing on and participating in interactions with others. It helps ensure that employees feel that they are heard and that their feedback is important to the organization. Active listening is important when working with any employee, but it can be especially helpful in addressing issues that women in tech specifically face.

“It is essential to encourage women in technology to provide other women with safe spaces to share their thoughts and experiences without judgment or repercussions,” Vangala said.

Flexibility, including remote work

For Weitzman, flexibility means having the option to work remotely or in the office, and giving people time to pick up their kids or take care of other family matters. Work-life balance can be “having the ability to come in at nine, leave at three and still be able to take care of the family,” Weitzman said.

“In many cases, women are willing to give up a job promotion or a change knowing they can be more flexible,” Weitzman said. “Personally, I love the fact that I can be so involved with my kids, go dancing, go to baseball, all these fun things, and at the same time I still have an amazing career.”

Sometimes women can be pigeonholed into roles that involve “soft skills.” Employers should be open to areas where women might want to work in “hard” technical roles.

“They (women) should not simply be placed in a project management role,” Vangala said, “but if they have the skills to develop software, train AI, etc., they should be encouraged and empowered to take on roles that take advantage of them.” (His skills).”

The pandemic opened up more remote work opportunities, offering potential benefits for women in tech. Advocacy group WeAreTechWomen says remote work can improve work-life balance, reduce travel stress, and can help companies retain and attract talent. While every employee's preferences are different, offering the option of remote work is another good way to promote flexibility.

Support for women of color

Women of color can face biases coming from two intersections: their gender and their race. Equal pay is also important here, Vangala highlighted. So is representation that allows current and potential women of color in tech to know they are not alone.

“Women of color must be regularly shown that they are represented in technology and in their individual workplaces. I like to think about this from the perspective of today's students looking to enter the technology industry in the coming years,” Vangala said. “If these students don't see women of color represented in the workforces they hope to enter, they are less likely to pursue careers there.”

Nash noted that “transparently reporting on diversity metrics and holding leaders accountable for making progress” are important components of helping women of color succeed in leadership roles and on corporate boards in technology.

“Affinity groups and networks within organizations can provide a community and support system internally and create a sense of belonging that empowers women to create change from within,” Nash said.

That change must also come from leadership. “Having leadership present to connect with employees helps drive representation of women of color in safe spaces,” Nash said. “It creates a culture where leaders can advocate for roles and decision-making committees that influence hiring, promotions, and project assignments.”

The importance of networks

In addition to providing salary and career advancement structures that promote equality, it is important that organizations encourage ways for women to network with each other and others.

“When a woman attends a networking event, conference or symposium to try to gain new skills and connections, this should not feel like an isolated experience,” Nash said. “That's why leadership conferences, panels and forums must actively address the dynamic needs and interests of women, amplifying their voices and creating representation.”

Weitzman explained that Robert Half has a women's group that hosts events and meets monthly to discuss issues affecting women in today's workplace.

Events like these can provide women with opportunities to gain more visibility in their organizations and greater opportunities for advancement.

“In technology, women are often paired with other women who work in the same department or even on the same team,” Vangala said. “While this can be beneficial in a number of ways, it can also be somewhat limiting for women looking to advance their careers. Expanding peer networks outside of the immediate work environment or team can help develop an individual into a more well-rounded worker who can have multiple perspectives.”

Economic benefits of gender equality

One way gender equity benefits organizations is by promoting economic growth. In 2015, McKinsey found that global gender inequality reduces global gross domestic product by approximately $12 trillion, with some countries facing a 35% loss. Gender equity opens organizations to a broader pool of talented people and provides more diverse perspectives that could be useful in making products more practical for customers.

“Valuing gender equity and diversity within the technology sector not only gives companies a strategic advantage in attracting top talent, but also encourages the development of more inclusive and equitable technology solutions,” Vangala said.

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