'Son is not fit to shine father's shoes': RFK Jr. readers

To the editor: What a study in contrasts! (“Kennedy Jr. suspends presidential bid, endorses Trump. How will this affect the race?”, August 23)

At the same time, Democrats emphasize neighbors working together, while Republicans emphasize each individual moving forward and improving themselves. It's the difference between “we” and “me.”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. sold out in exchange for a promise from former President Trump that he would hold a key position in his administration. Does Kennedy not realize that Trump is more famous for firing people and breaking his promises than for keeping them?

I worked for Kennedy's father. It is a disgrace what his son has done to tarnish his name. Perhaps Kennedy can now choose another name, similar to that of the Republican vice presidential candidate, JD Vance, so that the Kennedy name can be preserved in politics.

Joel Pelcyger, Los Angeles


To the editor: As someone old enough to remember the compassion Robert F. Kennedy radiated, the causes he championed, and the forgotten and marginalized people he stood up for.

Please stop referring to the individual who recently suspended his campaign to support Trump as “RFK Jr.” Instead, refer to him as “Mr. Kennedy” or “Lawyer Kennedy” or “Robert Kennedy,” and keep “RFK” as the term of endearment it is, intended for this junior senator from New York who left too soon (and is still sorely missed).

That's his pseudonym. The son is not fit to shine the father's shoes.

Blaise Jackson, Hidden

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