Should Biden really withdraw from the election?

To the editor: Biden says, “I can do this job.” I believe him.

What matters, however, is not his opinion, but that of the voters, who will determine whether Trump retains the presidency. His poor performance in the debate only reinforced (and amplified) the view that he is too old for another term, despite the achievements of his presidency. Much of the remaining Democratic campaign will have to focus on countering the anticipated onslaught of negative ads. I suggest that the president must acknowledge the reality of the situation and the impact it will have on the likelihood of a Trump victory – and what a disaster that would be for the country.

I can't help but see the parallels with Ruth Bader Ginsburg's decision not to step down when it was clearly necessary. There are plenty of strong Democratic candidates who could fill the role. The contrast with Trump would be stark and would give voters who don't like Trump an alternative they can support. Biden must put the country first.

Joseph Camarata, Palos Verdes Peninsula


To the editor: The comparison between Joe Biden and Ruth Bader Ginsburg is both revealing and terrifying. Ginsburg refused to resign from the Supreme Court when she was already showing her age and could have been replaced by a progressive jurist. Instead, displaying arrogance, she stayed and was replaced by a radical right-winger when she died. And we all know how that led to the defeat of Roe and a myriad of radical right-wing decisions by the court.

Biden is on the verge of making the same critical mistake. His arrogance prevents him from withdrawing from the race, even though it is clear that his mental faculties are in serious decline. If Biden does not withdraw, we risk electing an authoritarian, anti-democratic madman who will help foster a nationalist, Christian fundamentalist, corporatist dystopia that will make America unrecognizable.

Bob Lentz, Sylmar


To the editor: What a dilemma. Should we vote for the criminal with 34 convictions, also found responsible for sexual abuse and a pathological liar who tried to overthrow the government? Or should we vote for the grandfather who had a cold?

What a difficult choice!

The histrionic experts, who think that Grandpa should drop out of school, also wonder why most people can't stand the media.

Paul Kundinger, Palm Springs


To the editor: Many people only read headlines. Theirs (in the press, “Biden stumbles, Trump pounces”) was very misleading and would probably increase the chances of the American people electing a liar and abuser instead of an elder statesman who did not have a good night. The press headline should have been: “Trump lies, Biden stumbles.” Are we so used to Trump lying that he can no longer make headlines?

Katherine King, Venice


To the editor: In one of the greatest ironies in American history, one of this country’s greatest presidents has proven incapable of handling a second term. If Biden stubbornly refuses to drop out of the race, likely handing the election to the country’s worst president, Biden’s stellar reputation would be ruined. If he does drop out, however, his reputation would be greatly enhanced for having rescued us from Trump yet again.

John Ibson, Claremont

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