Shame on Adam Schiff for elevating Steve Garvey

To the editor: Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) is qualified to serve in the United States Senate. Rep. Katie Porter (D-Irvine) is also highly qualified and very smart. Unfortunately you have to lose. (“Schiff and Garvey lead Senate race, well positioned for runoff, poll shows,” March 1)

The biggest disappointment is how Schiff is elevating Republican candidate Steve Garvey because he clearly doesn't want to face Porter in November. This is a tactic one would expect from former President Trump and his culture, not from a Democrat.

Garvey can't win a Senate seat, but since he'll likely finish second to Porter on March 5, he'll appear on the ballot in November, and we'll have to hear more from him in the future.

You just have to go to YouTube to see how magnificently Porter defends justice in our country. We must not lose her as a defender of our state and our country.

Yes, against Garvey I would vote for Schiff. But now I have less respect for Schiff and hope Porter continues to fight for our country.

Jim Matlock, Ventura


To the editor: Republican hypocrisy has no limits.

Many are anti-abortion and anti-LGBTQ. They say President Biden is too old, but for senator they support a 75-year-old former baseball player with no experience in government who had two children out of wedlock just before marrying his girlfriend and then abandoned his offspring .

For president, they support a liar and a fraud who has been found responsible for sexual assault, but many of them say God is on their side.

I will never understand how we got here, but it is clear that there are many uneducated citizens who vote solely for name recognition.

John Buehler, Rosemead

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