Republicans don't like California. Reader Response: Whatever

A recent poll found what I learned after writing a short op-ed last month calling for some goodwill from people leaving California: Much of America has resented our state, and many Republicans In fact We don't like each other. According to the poll, nearly half of Republicans believe California is “not really American,” which is a much nicer way to express the profane sentiments that many people included in their emails discussing my article.

In response to this week's Times article about the survey, many readers dismiss the criticism as politically motivated, while others come out forcefully in defense of California. I guess we've gotten so used to hearing parting insults from opportunistic politicians and departing neighbors (after all, we've lost about 800,000 residents since 2020) that our responses are ready to go.


To the editor: Ah, California. You remind me of that cute cheerleader who often asks, “Is my hair okay?” or “Are you sure my butt looks good in these shorts?”

It's February and I'm walking in the sun in a light sweater. The mountains come into view as I head downtown to see a play.

Of course, many Republicans say California is “not a good place to visit,” but they have been here. They really want to be Californians, because we're cool and we know what's going to be cool.

And my house just appreciated another thousand this month.

California, you are beautiful!

Cheryl Clark, Long Beach


To the editor: According to the survey by Canadian firm Leger, half of all American adults say California is in decline, and 48% of Republicans say it is “not really American.”

What else is new? Republicans are down on our state, but that's largely because they are out of step with the social norms of California residents. I'm sure they would have a different opinion if somehow Republicans were in political power in Sacramento.

Given the size of California, I'm not surprised we have problems. Not to beat a dead horse, but California's economy is the largest in the United States and the largest subnational economy in the world.

We are diverse both in terms of our economy and the makeup of our residents. So why is anyone surprised that everything is not going well?

Martin Parker, Thousand Oaks


To the editor: For what purpose was your article about the survey published?

The facts show that California is not in decline. We have the largest economy of any state and one of the largest in the world. In the third quarter of 2023, California's economy grew at an annual rate of 4.8%

The state works on its problems, whether it is water conservation, global warming or homelessness. In general, we are on the side of inclusion. We know the benefit that new residents bring, whether they are from another state or another country. I'd like to see how the rest of America would do without us.

I am disappointed that The Times published this article.

Isabel Rigney, Highlands


To the editor: Does anyone really believe that the fact that Republicans have no control over any part of state government has nothing to do with the opinion of Republican respondents?

I have lived in California for 65 years. I have traveled extensively throughout the US and internationally and have owned homes in North Carolina, Washington State, Hollywood, Long Beach and Orange County.

There is no better place to live than California. The diversity of our population brings the world to our doorstep. Generally we all get along well. There is a beauty beyond belief. There is entertainment, jobs and high salaries for those with skills.

Yes, housing is expensive. But when you buy, hold, and eventually sell, you gain enough capital to fund your retirement. Teachers and public employees have exceptional retirement and health benefits.

The California Constitution gives women the right to decide what to do with their bodies. I received a good education and have practiced law for over 35 years. One of the best places for women to succeed in life is California.

Carol Churchill, Los Alamitos


To the editor: May I ask if this type of survey has also been done in other states?

If you asked the same questions about Florida, would the numbers change completely? Would Democrats express the same sentiments about Florida that Republicans expressed about California?

I think so.

California is a wonderful state that is forward-thinking and considers the health and well-being of its residents in its policies and laws. I am happy to live in this state.

Stephen Mirkin, North Hollywood


To the editor: The other day I played golf with a person who had left Idaho. She had followed his children, who also left Idaho.

I couldn't believe we were playing golf on a beautiful, sunny February day. He said the move was one of the best things she had ever done in his life.

Those who criticize California forget that it is one of the largest economic engines in the world. The discontented who leave California will always be discontented no matter where they go.

California is beautiful, alive, healthy and full of opportunity.

Hector Hernandez, San Clemente

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