Remembering the 'very good people,' who exactly hates Judaism, Mr. Trump?

To the editor: People have asked if former President Trump's depravity and mendacity are bottomless. His recent comment that “any Jewish person who votes Democrat hates his religion” shows that we are not there yet.

This is the person who said there were “very good people on both sides” in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017. Remember that in Charlottesville, people on one side chanted, “Jews will not replace us.”

He also said he would forgive the “patriots” who stormed the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. One of those patriots was wearing a “Camp Auschwitz” sweater.

Who hates Judaism again?

Robert Trebor, Los Angeles


To the editor: It's not easy being Jewish.

In 1492, Jews living in Spain were victims of the Spanish Inquisition. They told us that either we converted to Catholicism or we died. This law, although not applied in modern Spain, was in force until 1968.

Today in America, Trump tells us that since we are Jews, we must vote for him or we will be disloyal to our fellow Jews in Israel.

This is a thinly veiled attempt to intimidate us. Furthermore, he encourages anti-Jewish acts when we do not obey him.

If Trump wins the presidency, history may record March 2024 as the beginning of a Trump Inquisition for all who disagree.

Sidney Weissman, Highland Park, Illinois.


To the editor: Please tell the former president that Jews who vote Democrat do not hate their religion nor do they hate Israel.

Some of us, however, are not very fond of him.

Andrew E. Rubin, Los Angeles

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