Private jet-setting, carbon-spewing Taylor Swift is not a role model

To the editor: You published an entire article about private jet traffic in and out of Las Vegas for the Super Bowl. In almost a third of the page, it noted that 3,500 more takeoffs and landings than usual were expected at Las Vegas airports due to the Super Bowl.

However, there was not a single word about how this selfish, morally abhorrent, morally abhorrent behavior of the 1% is, right now, making our planet uninhabitable for generations yet to be born.

Tad Daley, Los Angeles


To the editor: In his op-ed praising Swift, Kurt Bardella forgot to list the criteria for being a true role model.

For example, his tour of the world in a personal jet that burns thousands of gallons of fossil fuel and spews an unfathomable amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere doesn't seem to faze Bardella in the least.

What can Swift really do this time with her star power? Energize America's youth to vote for one of the two grumpy old men running for president?

One of them is a twice and four-time impeached former president bent on destroying the United States Constitution and starting a dictatorship. The other is determined to help the right-wing Israeli government that has the mission of erasing the history of Palestine from the eyes of the world.

I'd take Greta Thunberg as a better role model any day. She is a responsible person who changes trends for the good of billions of her fellow citizens around the world.

She is the one who encourages young people to take on the fossil fuel industry and educates people about the threat of global warming. She is also raising awareness about the plight of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

Have we ever heard things like that about Swift?

Abdul-Majeed Azad, Columbus, Ohio

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