Prevent this heatwave from becoming the “new normal.” End fossil fuels

To the editor: Why would a city want the honor of bragging about its life-threatening temperatures? (100 Days of 100-Degree Misery: A Summer of Relentless, Oppressive Heat Across the West, Sept. 5)

Frivolity never hurts, but when it comes to the effects of climate change there isn't much to laugh about, except perhaps this quote from the article:

“These are extreme levels of heat and it is what we generally expect to see more of as the climate system warms,” [said UC Irvine professor Jane Baldwin]“But he added that more analysis is needed to determine if this will be the new normal for California.”

That's when I burst out laughing. More studies to prove what we're really experiencing?

The best way to stop climate catastrophe is to stop burning fossil fuels. We have all the necessary analysis to prove that theory. Now we need governments at all levels to take the lead and we, the citizens, to force them to do so.

Meredith Rose, Pasadena

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