People love to criticize Los Angeles. Just look at the Paris Olympics.

To the editor: Comparing the Los Angeles preview of the 2028 Summer Games to the entire closing ceremony of the Paris Olympics is a false comparison. I suggest that critics look at the Paris preview package presented during the closing ceremony in Tokyo in 2021 for an apt comparison. (“‘From Class to Vulgarity’: Readers Have a Bad First Impression of Los Angeles28,” Letters, Aug. 13)

It was a stylish but unoriginal presentation, making extensive use of drone and slow-motion footage, including a medal presentation in which French athletes took gold, silver and bronze. It bore little resemblance to what was to come and was safe, predictable, tasteful and very similar to the preview packages that preceded it.

At the closing ceremony in Paris, Los Angeles' presentation was largely live, offering a taste of what makes Los Angeles famous: beaches, movie stars and pop culture.

Was it perfect? ​​No. Did I have some quibbles with the election? Sure. But it was mostly live and exciting. This is not the best we can do, nor should it be. That will come in 2028.

Some people will use any excuse to criticize Los Angeles.

Robert Huber, Yorba Linda

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