Opposing views on Israel's tactics in the Gaza Strip

To the editor: The Times editorial board is wrong to suspend US arms shipments to Israel.

Israel does not need correction. In fact, it would be good if the media recognized Israel's exemplary efforts in achieving possibly the lowest ratio of civilian to combatant deaths (around 1.5 to 1) ever seen during fighting in a densely populated urban area, where the proportion is usually much higher. .

And Israel needs those 2,000-pound bombs to destroy the extensive network of tunnels that Hamas has built beneath the people of Gaza. Israel needs a decisive victory over Hamas to prevent the terrorist group from fulfilling its promise to inflict multiple October 7-style attacks on Israel.

The end of Hamas rule will also benefit the Palestinians of Gaza who have been suffering under its control since 2007.

Toby F. Block, Atlanta


To the editor: Doesn't Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu know the warning about the hydra-headed monster that grows multiple new heads for every one cut off? Hamas is indeed one of those monsters.

For every Hamas terrorist Netanyahu eliminates with his brutal attack on Gaza, which has also killed thousands of civilian women and children, many more Hamas fighters with a deadly hatred of Israel will be generated. Furthermore, his threat of death to combatants does not terrify would-be martyrs.

It will take many generations of patient work, if that is even possible, to undo the long-term damage Netanyahu has done in recent months to any hope for peace in the Middle East.

Paul Stull, Carpentry


To the editor: I understand that everyone has the right to have their opinion on the conflict. What really irritates me and makes me feel like the unbiased newspaper I read every day is anything but the approach it has taken.

Recently, you published an article pointing out that the Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry says more than 35,000 people have died in the war, while Israel says it “has killed more than 13,000 militants, without providing evidence.”

This language obviously favors Hamas. Why take sides? Has Hamas ever been a real terrorist organization?

Stephen Frank, Sherman Oaks


To the editor: The Hamas terrorist attack on October 7 did not start this war. The war began shortly after the establishment of Israel and is an ongoing war for land and control of the inhabitants.

During this war, Israel has constantly, and without much attention, been the real winner, taking land and controlling the inhabitants. It annexed the Golan Heights and East Jerusalem, established settlements in Palestinian territory and occupied the West Bank.

The Israeli far right does not want to end the war and allow the creation of a Palestinian state, since then it would no longer be able to seize Palestinian lands. Netanyahu has supported Hamas to keep Palestinians divided between Gaza and the West Bank, preventing a unified Palestinian entity from negotiating peace.

The Palestinians, in their anger and frustration, have resorted to terrorism, which is alienating and counterproductive, turning what should be sympathy towards them into anger.

Therefore, the United Nations and the United States should immediately recognize and support a Palestinian state, in accordance with the Oslo accords. Difficult? Yeah.

Gordon Smith, Pacific Palisades

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