Opinion: Will Joe Biden put duty to country first?

“I hope Joe Biden runs for president.” That was the headline of a column I wrote in March 2019. I believed then that “at a time when Trump continues to decline, Biden brings to the national stage the strength, decency and sense of duty that are sorely needed in our political discourse.”

Five years later, Joe Biden once again has to assume his duties towards the country.

But this time, the act of duty that is required is a tremendous personal sacrifice, something the president is all too familiar with given the personal tragedies he has had to overcome over the years. It will require fortitude, introspection, doing something that goes against his nature. That act of duty and sacrifice is also one that embodies the very essence of our democratic process: voluntarily giving up power.

No one can question Biden's commitment to our country. He is a patriot through and through. He has cemented his place in our nation's history. He has conducted himself with honor, integrity and sincerity. He now has the opportunity to end his story with an act of altruism and dignity.

Democrats often say that November 2024 is the most important election of our lifetime. That a return to power by Donald Trump and his MAGA allies would mean doom for our country and would lead us towards authoritarianism and dictatorship. That the starting point for a Trump sequel is January 6 and that the instruments of democracy would be altered forever.

If we accept that the stakes in these elections are spectacularly high, it is essential that the Democratic Party presents the best possible and most competitive formula. After watching Thursday night's debate, it is abundantly clear that a Biden-led slate is not that.

There are many things about the debate to criticize: the format, CNN's cowardly decision to back away from basic journalistic fact-checking, and any and all conversations about golf. But none of that mitigates Biden's dull performance. And while it's a natural reflex for Biden's team to call it a bad night, warning signs are more frequent than ever that the 81-year-old president was simply acting his age.

Now, let's be clear: If the election in November is ultimately between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, it's still not a difficult decision to vote for Biden. The problems matter more than the man. On democracy, a woman's right to choose, economic equality, gun reform, climate change and more, it has to be Biden over Trump. But most voters concerned about the issues already know this, and they are not the voters who will determine the outcome of this election.

It is the people still undecided in a few key states, mostly to the right of the Democratic Party and to the left of the Republican Party, who need to get out and vote against Trump.

Voters who have never voted must be given a reason to do so now. Republicans who have never voted for a Democrat must be given a reason to vote against their party's choice. Biden is unlikely to be that reason.

I have unlimited respect and admiration for the president. It reflects the character and leadership our country deserves. He has had one of the most consequential presidencies in American history. But he can't beat time.

I say this with all the respect in the world: your country needs you, Joe Biden. But not in the way you would like.

Kurt Bardella is a contributing writer for Opinion and a contributor to NewsNation. @KurtBardella

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