No, nuclear waste is not just 'buried' near San Onofre

To the editor: The Times unnecessarily alarms unfamiliar readers with a single poorly chosen word. Simply stating that nuclear waste is “buried” in a cliff near the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant could not be further from the truth. (“Nuclear waste storage at Yucca Mountain could disrupt US Senate race in Nevada,” April 30)

Now, write an article explaining to readers that spent fuel from the long-shuttered plant's reactor is packed into secure, removable transportable barrels, stored in accessible concrete bunkers, and ready for the day Yucca Mountain in Nevada or an alternative facility is open to Maintain it.

Or you could just print my letter.

David W. Kay, Playa Vista

The writer is a former senior environmental manager for Southern California Edison, which owns the San Onofre plant.

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