Nikki Haley is playing the long game. Democrats beware

To the editor: Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley shouldn't expect to get much more than 20% of GOP voter support in next week's Super Tuesday primary. (“Nikki Haley keeps losing and reveals something important about Trump and Republicans,” Opinion, February 27).

Truth be told, even if Trump loyalists don't say it, the former South Carolina governor and ambassador to the United Nations is playing a long game. Haley, unlike the MAGA hardcore crowd, knows that what happens in October will outweigh the effect of the primaries from the previous months.

Former President Trump's mounting legal challenges, especially with his pending criminal trials, will likely derail his absurd candidacy in the coming months. It matters little whether that happens through some sort of plea deal that avoids incarceration or through a post-trial sentence.

What matters is that Haley, by maintaining the public's attention (and walking the fine line between never-Trumpers and MAGA Republicans), will have secured a spot on the GOP ticket.

Which should worry Democrats, who appear to lack a viable long-term strategy.

Roberta Helms, Santa Barbara


To the editor: In Roman mythology, Janus is depicted with two heads, allowing him to look forward and backward. In Donald's mythology, there are three heads, two that look back in time at his feud with the reality of January 6, and one that looks askance at Nikki Haley, a still viable opponent should he stumble upon the courthouse steps or anywhere else.

Polls at this point in the race are unreliable, but they show that a matchup between Trump and President Biden is too close, but Haley defeats Biden quite easily.

She is a formidable candidate, with knowledge of the issues, presence on stage, debate skills and perseverance. I won't vote for any of the guys, but I would gladly vote for Haley.

Paul Bloustein, Cincinnati


To the editor: Jonah Goldberg longs for a traditional conservative Republican Party, but that ship has already sailed. The MAGA movement represents sedition and autocracy, and that tells us everything we need to know about conservatism in America.

Some Trump supporters openly say they hope and wish for a civil war. Our compatriots do not know what they are asking for or what that would actually be like. They are playing with fire.

Mike Aguilar, Costa Mesa


To the editor: Haley is under pressure to suspend her campaign for the Republican presidential nomination. She should ignore calls to withdraw for several reasons.

With all the legal charges against the former president, he could be in prison before the election (unless his delaying tactics are successful).

Additionally, Trump will turn 78 in June and is susceptible to the catastrophes that can befall the elderly, such as strokes, heart attacks, debilitating injuries or even death. If any of this happens, we'll need a new Republican candidate, and who better than one who can beat Biden?

Plus, many Republicans don't want to vote for Trump, myself included.

Joseph Pflagerr, Maumee, Ohio

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