Newsom is not in a position to pontificate at the Vatican on climate change

To the editor: Governor Gavin Newsom's speech at the Vatican on climate change is the height of hypocrisy. His supposed dedication to addressing the issue is not absolute and is probably strongly affected by the powerful pressure groups that dominate him.

He has remained silent on decisions made by his appointees on the California Public Utilities Commission that undermine rooftop and community solar. These decisions deny Californians important strategies for accessing truly renewable energy, and Newsom's silence on the matter suggests influence from the utility lobby.

Its allocation of billions to “fuel reduction” could seriously damage important forest carbon sinks and may not achieve its stated goal of reducing wildfire risk. Did the logging industry influence that budget decision?

Newsom aspires to be the “climate governor.” Instead, he is usually a two-faced governor. Hopefully, Pope Francis offered you some heavenly guidance on this matter.

Jennifer Normoyle, Hillsborough, California.


To the editor: An April 22 article highlighted a carbon dioxide capture plant in California that would have to be one in a million such facilities to have a significant mitigating effect on climate change.

A May 9 column by Sammy Roth highlighted the competing interests that prevent California from developing all the solar energy it can from different sources.

A May 14 column by Michael Hitzik discussed how Exxon Mobil is suing its shareholders to prevent them from raising climate issues.

Finally, in a May 14 article calling the summer of 2023 the warmest in 2,000 years, it was reported that 80% of climate scientists recently surveyed said they “forecast at least 2.5 degrees Celsius of warming.” , instead of the “tolerable” 1.5. -Grade objective in the Paris agreement.

Is it any wonder climate scientists are pessimistic about our future?

Todd Collart, Ventura

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