Mute Trump's microphone? Republicans don't trust him in the debate

To the editor: The so-called dispute over whether Democratic candidate Kamala Harris and Republican candidate Donald Trump's microphones should be muted during the September 10 presidential debate is ridiculous.

If there was a way to prevent an opponent from interrupting during the debate, how about we just shut up?

By insisting on muting the microphones, Republicans are literally admitting that Trump will not be able to control himself from interrupting Harris once her turn to speak is over. How sad.

Gary Yates, Los Angeles


To the editor: Despite evidence to the contrary, both Harris and Trump grew up in an era where rules and manners mattered.

When you were invited to a special event, the host chose the menu, the dress code, and the table assignment. The guest confirmed their attendance and felt honored to be included in such a momentous occasion.

“Guests” at the presidential debate should let the host set the rules and not argue over whether they should wear black tie or cocktail dress.

Perhaps debate host ABC News will opt to split the difference: half with muted microphones and half without. Whatever the decision, the candidates should be gracious guests, respect the rules and give voters a chance to compare them on Sept. 10.

Linda Shahinian, Culver City

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