More than 100 IT policies at your fingertips and ready to download

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Crafting an effective IT policy can be a daunting and expensive task. You could spend hours writing it yourself, but consider how much your time is worth. The average salary for an IT director or manager in the US is approximately $185,000, depending on your geographic location, company, and education. Over a year, that wage drops to about $89 per hour. If it takes you one business day to write an IT policy, that single policy will cost you $712 ($89 x 8 hours).

Don't have time to write a policy? You could pay a consultant hundreds of dollars to create one for you. But there is a better way.

Subscribe to TechRepublic Premium and get access to 100+ ready-to-use IT policies. Simply download a policy template and customize it to fit your company's needs. Best of all, we are constantly adding information to our policy library. As technology changes, we publish new policies and update existing ones. Whether you need a portable device, data deletion, or an encryption policy, we've got you covered.

A sample of TechRepublic Premium policies

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