Mitch McConnell wasn't “smart.” He was a power-hungry partisan.

To the editor: As the praise starts to pour in for the longest-serving party leader in the history of the U.S. Senate, I hope people remember that in 2010, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said his main priority was to prevent President Obama from having a second term. term. (“McConnell will step down as Senate Republican leader in November after record-breaking career,” Feb. 28)

Not national security, not the economy, not peace in the Middle East, just a scathing promise of revenge for a lost career.

He failed, of course, but he managed to block legislation the administration favored and deny Obama a Supreme Court pick in 2016.

When we praise a selfish, unethical operator as a smart politician, we inflict deep structural damage on the institution we depend on to keep our society afloat.

Let him go home and retire in peace, but please, no parades.

Bart Braverman, Indian


To the editor: Whatever McConnell accomplished, for better or worse, his unforgivable hypocrisy in blocking Obama's constitutional right to choose a Supreme Court justice because it was an election year, and then allowing Donald Trump to do exactly that four years later , it will not be enough. forgotten.

Other political commentators have put it better, saying that history will remember McConnell as a cancer on democracy.

Mort Tuchin, Poway, California.

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