Miami's attempt to ban the documentary 'No Other Land' was nothing more than a 'political agenda'

To the editor: I read with some disbelief that an important mayor of the city would try to silence a film that shows, even threaten his lease, satisfying a political agenda (“On the other hand, Miami Beach mayor supports the threatening theater on 'No other Land'”, March 19). I went to see the movie “No Other Land” partly because I wanted to see what I was so afraid that the public was exposed.

To be clear, I am neither Pro-Israel or Pro-Palestine. I am the pro -American taxpayer. As an important financial defender of the State of Israel, I am horrified that our tax dollars are spent to help violate the UN sanctions (against taking care of the Palestinian lands) and dismantling any appearance of life for the natives in the West Bank.

Please do not misunderstand my position. Hamas is a terrorist organization, as regards me, but just like killing civilians on September 11, this is wrong, this is this assault on humanity. I do not have the answers to the solution of two states. But surely the United States should not turn a blind eye to this.

Jeff Heister, Chatsworth

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