'Literally insane': Project 2025's plan to take down NOAA

To the editor: Project 2025's call to dismantle the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is literally insane.

In a world where the effects of global warming are visible every day, the proponents of Project 2025 want to cover their ears and sing “la-la-la.” Needless to say, political orthodoxy cannot change the temperature in Death Valley.

The Soviet Union pioneered the idea of ​​forcing scientists to conform to a political ideology. If one insisted on the facts, one was punished or even imprisoned. The result was a huge loss of scientific progress and the destruction of any hope that the Soviet Union would be respected by the world.

Project 2025 wants to do the same in the United States.

Yes, if former President Trump wins the election, he can dismantle NOAA, but he will still burn his feet in the sand.

Geoff Kuenning, Claremont


To the editor: The sheer stupidity of Project 2025 is astounding. Saying that NOAA is “detrimental to America’s future prosperity” shows that this group values ​​nothing that science has to offer.

Humanity is headed for an explosion, and if Project 2025 is implemented, it will only accelerate its decline. If there is no world to live in, there is no prosperity for America.

I sincerely hope that the media and others will minimize attention to this group and allow this fringe thinking to go back to the bottom where it belongs.

Peter Shair, Sierra Madre

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