LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Barbarie in killing goats for tacos

To the editor: I read the article on Sunday's Times on the use of baby goats for delicious tender tacos (“roasted baby goat tacos hide in a row of rural food from the street near San Bernardino”, February 25). Once the waves of the nausea passed, I was able to visualize the tear of a 45 -day goat unknown from his terrified mother and then deliver it to the slaughter because he made a tasty and tender taco. I understand the need to kill animals for food, but shouldn't there be some humanity, any level of decency in how it is carried out? The article was sterile without thinking about the barbarism of the law. There are levels of humanity that sink below the need to prepare food.

Donald Gerecht, Los Angeles


To the editor: Thanks for the big article! Although I could shake my head before some things, another part of me likes that some forms of “ancient country” are still practiced here in the United States. Raw milk, directly from the goat or cow? Maybe it's not a great idea (I appreciate Louis Pasteur), but thinking about my mother makes me ask me. She was born and grew on a farm in Nebraska of Swedish immigrant parents. I remember that he said he always drank milk “warm of the cow” and that the first time he drank cold milk and bought in the store, made a bitter face. Of course, this was now a little more than a century ago.

Bob Wieting, Simi Valley