Learn the Python programming language online for only $24

If you are interested in improving your career prospects, it is time to improve your skills. There is no better foundation for a coding education than learning Python, the world's most popular and in-demand programming language. The Premium Python Programming Certification Bundle will help you learn it online at your own pace. Get it now for $24 at TechRepublic Academy with code TRA20. This offer is valid until May 20.

what you will learn

As you get started, you'll become familiar with the ins and outs of Python programming. You will learn how to create software programs, scrape websites, and create automation as you begin writing code in Python and creating various scripts and software. As you progress, you will learn more about tuples, sets, and dictionaries in Python and eventually reach advanced applications using advanced-level concepts.

You'll also begin to dive into specific Python applications to learn GUI programming, get familiar with Python control flow, explore data science and visualizations, and even learn how to create an automated stock trading tool. At the end of the courses, you will have a sophisticated knowledge of Python that you can use to earn extra money or level up your career.

Immerse yourself in the world's most popular programming language. Right now, the Premium Python Programming Certification Bundle is on sale for just $24 for a limited time with code TRA20. Don't miss out on this fantastic offer for an excellent education.

Prices and availability are subject to change.

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