Latino moderator, microphone cuts: readers' ideas for the Biden-Trump debates

To the editor: Taking the Times editorial board's call for a civil presidential debate a step further, I believe it is essential that a Latino moderate the discussion.

There has never been a Latino or Latina moderator in the history of presidential debates. With more than 36 million eligible voters, Latinos will represent one in seven voters in this election. If the goal of the presidential debates is to inform voters about their options for president, then a moderator of Latino origin this year is best suited to ask different questions that reflect the needs of this growing electorate.

In a recent survey of Latino voters in Arizona, California and Nevada commissioned by the Latino Community Foundation, more than a third of respondents said they felt uninformed about President Biden's 2024 policy agenda. That number rose to nearly half for former President Trump.

Given the political importance of Latinos in deciding the next president and Congress, it is vital that we have someone to encourage our community in the presidential debates this fall.

Christian Arana, Los Angeles

The writer is vice president of politics and civic power. for the Latino Community Foundation.


To the editor: It is not enough for moderators to “deal decisively with nominees who bluster, bully, ignore time limits, and engage in name-calling by turning off their microphones.”

We need mandatory dead microphones when the other debater is speaking along with real-time fact checkers feeding the moderator to inject corrections with all microphones off if a candidate lies.

Chris Pearson, Spring Valley


To the editor: It is possible to hold civil debates if the organizers followed two simple rules.

First, the audience contributes absolutely nothing to the process. Eliminate it completely.

Second, moderators should have the authority to turn off microphones when the allowed time has expired.

The candidates will push as hard as they can. Enforce the rules with zero tolerance.

Kevin Minihan, Los Angeles


To the editor: The rules should include limited physical spaces for each candidate and only one live microphone at a time. That microphone should have a time limit and then automatically cut off.

Satterlee Yachts, Santa Barbara


To the editor: Instead of fighting to make Trump follow the rules, suspend all the rules and simply put the candidates on stage to talk about what they would do and why people should vote for them.

Let the chips fall where they may so voters see who they like best. Wouldn't that be fascinating?

Suzanne Taylor, Los Angeles


To the editor: I don't see why some media outlets keep urging Biden to debate Trump.

The former president has demonstrated more than once that he does not have enough command of the facts on any issue to engage in meaningful debate. What he does have is the media presence of a trash-talking comedian.

Having Biden constantly interrupted and talked over by Trump loitering on stage behind him might be good theater, but it wouldn't be a real debate.

Gordon J. Louttit, Manhattan Beach


To the editor: I don't think Biden should debate Trump, based on the fact that Trump will never be able to tell the truth. A debate would be another 90-minute opportunity for the former president to lie to America.

However, since the Trump campaign has stated that their candidate will debate Biden anytime, anywhere, I think the president should insist that the debate be held in Central Park, on bicycles.

Edward Yeager, San Marino

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