Kamala Harris, a presidential candidate? – Los Angeles Times

To the editor: Remember how President Biden said he wanted to be a “bridge” to the next generation of Democratic leaders? And how “his” accomplishments are the accomplishments of his administration, of which Kamala Harris is an integral part? How about we swap Biden and Harris, with her as the presidential candidate and he as the vice presidential candidate? He can be the elder statesman, available to lend the benefit of his experience. She can bring her sharp fiscal logic and oratorical skills to the task of calling Trump’s record and statements into question.

While Harris may not be the ideal fantasy new candidate many Democrats would wish for, keeping Biden on the ticket — but in a less demanding capacity — could be a good compromise between Democrats who want change and those who want the status quo, keeping everyone on the ticket for November.

This also allows Harris to use the money the Biden-Harris campaign has raised without issue, and would allow Biden to forgo the rigors of the top job and seek medical attention for his health. Medical problems are not helped by being ignored or left untreated during four months of intense campaign activity. Perhaps Jill Biden will be persuaded by the idea that getting treatment now is critical to President Biden’s future health and continued quality of life.

Linda Falcao, Baltimore


To the editor: Lorraine Ali's article concludes that Vice President Harris is not the favorite candidate to replace Biden if he resigns or does not run again.

Ali attributes this lack of enthusiasm to the fact that Harris “faces a higher bar because of her gender and race.” However, the article fails to consider that Harris’s chances as a replacement candidate could be limited by her lackluster performance as vice president. Harris was tasked with leading immigration reform with nothing to show for it and left the administration to suffer the consequences. She was also tasked with pushing for new rules on artificial intelligence and, once again, failed to deliver. It’s not all about race and gender.

Roberto Ackermann, Dallas


To the editor: The very fact that many harbor doubts about whether a seasoned, articulate former prosecutor (Kamala Harris) can defeat a corrupt, lying, insurgent criminal (Donald Trump) speaks to how far our society has to go to achieve gender equality.

William P. Bekkala, West Hollywood


To the editor: Joe Biden has been a stellar president. In 2020, he saved this country from the scourge of COVID-19, as well as the chaos and disaster of another Trump presidency. His legislative record is phenomenal. He has much to be proud of.

But President Biden is not the same leader today as he was in 2020. Time has taken its toll, and voters have noticed, with alarm.

Although Joe and his closest allies insist he is the only candidate who can beat Trump, many Democratic voters disagree. Hardline Democrats are abandoning Biden in droves, including deep-pocketed donors.

The time has come to pass the torch. The future of the country must take precedence over personal pride.

President Biden can proudly point to his accomplishments and rest on his laurels. If he stays in the race and Trump wins, as is increasingly likely, what will happen to that legacy?

Kamala Harris is President Biden’s hand-picked successor. She is qualified, she is competent, she can take on Trump, and she can win. For the sake of our country and our democracy, President Biden must step aside.

Victoria Ang, Pasadena

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