Joe Biden needs to go lower to beat Donald Trump

To the editor: In 2016, First Lady Michelle Obama famously said, “When they go down, we go up,” referring to Republican candidate Donald Trump's intimidation tactics during the presidential campaign. The slogan was a message for Democrats to behave differently than someone who treats others with disdain. (“Biden is still trailing Trump in the polls. His problem goes beyond inflation, Gaza and age,” Opinion, May 14)

Unfortunately, that's a recipe for political suicide in the Trump era. For MAGA minions, including many Republicans in Congress, civil discourse is a thing of the past.

Despite having a strong economy, the electorate, particularly in crucial swing states, appears unimpressed with President Biden's achievements. A history of significant legislation has done little to compensate for this lack of enthusiasm.

Could it be that “going down” is paying dividends? Trump is winning the messaging game. The time has come for the Biden camp to launch an overwhelming counteroffensive, highlighting the former president's personal and professional failures, or risk losing in November.

Jim Paladino, Tampa, Florida.


To the editor: Please don't mistake me for a Trump supporter. Not even close.

But Biden scares me. Not in the chaotic, threatening way that Trump does, but still. He seems to believe that he is the best president since FDR, but he is leaving a trail of ruins in foreign policy and domestic affairs.

In foreign affairs, he is always half in and half out, as with Israel and Ukraine. We have too many latent internal crises.

The expansion of presidential power continues apace, to the point that Senator Elizabeth Warren's request for Biden to force down food prices seems unexceptional. That she has managed to block any viable Democratic candidate from re-election is terrifying.

Biden's speeches are rude and crude, and often have a “make my day” or “get off my lawn” feel. Her sales pitch for re-election is a sad “I'm not Trump.” That's not enough for me.

William N. Hoke, Manhattan Beach

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