Is Katie Porter sacrificing her House seat for the GOP?

To the editor: While your article on Senate candidate Rep. Katie Porter's (D-Irvine) multitasking skills seems to praise her, I'd like to remind everyone that she may be sacrificing her congressional seat for a Republican to become a senator. .

Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Burbank), who comes from a solidly Democratic district, is not sacrificing his seat for a Republican. Porter's Congressional district is much more competitive and could go to the Republican Party, which would surely jeopardize our ability to move our government forward.

People need to think beyond the now and look at what could happen in government in the years to come. Joe Biden as president, with Democrats possibly in control of both houses of Congress, will mean Washington can move forward on meaningful legislation.

Linda Bradshaw Carpenter, Los Angeles


To the editor: I am a lifelong Democrat who is undecided which Senate candidate to support. The only thing I'm sure of is that I don't want to see a showdown between Schiff and Porter in the general election.

That race would divert perhaps hundreds of millions of dollars that could be better used for Democratic candidates in highly competitive congressional districts where the race will be between a Democrat and a Republican.

To that end, I will vote for Republican Steve Garvey in the primary, and for the general election I will choose whichever Democrat prevails on March 5.

Ron Garber, Duarte

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