Intel spins off enterprise generative AI implementation company Articul8

Intel and global investment firm DigitalBridge Group have formed an independent generative AI software company, Articul8 AI, Inc. (Articul8); Intel announced the new company on January 3. Articul8 will work with Intel and provide solutions for organizations looking to build and deploy generative AI.

Articul8 Product and Capabilities

Articul8’s product is “a turnkey GenAI software platform that delivers speed, security, and cost-effectiveness to help large enterprise customers operationalize and scale AI,” according to the press release. Specifically, Articul8 provides infrastructure, a managed data layer, large language models, and APIs for generative AI. Some use cases could be:

  • Implement generative AI for cybersecurity tasks, such as threat detection.
  • Obtain knowledge about data and generate engineering designs.
  • Using AI data in semiconductor manufacturing.
  • Improve telecommunications operations.
  • Identify market trends and generate financial insights.

SEE: Here’s what the EU AI Law says for the generative AI industry (TechRepublic)

Articul8’s software runs on Intel Xeon Scalable processors and Intel Gaudi accelerators, but can also run on other infrastructure. To provide flexibility to enterprise users, Articul8 can work with Intel, AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and NVIDIA.

Articul8 follows in the footsteps of current enterprise AI trends by offering on-premises deployment and ensuring your AI capabilities keep enterprise data, customer data, training and inference within an enterprise security perimeter. It is designed for organizations with high levels of security and specialized domain knowledge.

The origins of Articul8

Articul8 emerged from Intel and uses IP and technology developed there. Articul8’s CEO is Arun Subramaniyan, who previously served as vice president and general manager in Intel’s data center and artificial intelligence group. The two companies will work hand in hand and collaborate while operating independently. Intel funded Articul8, as did DigitalBridge Ventures and other venture investors.

“With its deep AI and HPC domain knowledge and enterprise-grade GenAI implementations, Articul8 is well positioned to deliver tangible business results for Intel and our broader ecosystem of customers and partners,” wrote Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger , in the press release. “As Intel accelerates AI everywhere, we look forward to continuing our collaboration with Articul8.”

The project that would become Articul8 has been incubating for two years at Intel and was used at Boston Consulting Group, Rich Lesser, global president of Boston Consulting Group, said in a press release.

“Since then, we have deployed Articul8 products to multiple customers looking for production-ready platforms with rapid time to market,” Lesser said.

“We are excited about the significant opportunity presented to Articul8, which is enhanced by this investment to accelerate its growth and innovation,” Subramaniyan said in an email to TechRepublic. “Articul8 has a significant opportunity ahead and this transaction allows Intel to continue participating in any future value creation activities of Articul8.”

Articul8 Competitors

Other companies working to provide full generative AI development and deployment capabilities for enterprises include Intel, IBM, HPE, AWS, Dell, Databricks, and Google.

As more and more companies look for use cases for generative AI, more generative AI vendors are working on creating a complete service that offers enterprise-grade security instead of the more commercial and capable models and use cases. publicly.

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