Immunity? Trump wasn't “just doing his job” on January 6

To the editor: The answer to Donald Trump's immunity argument, which was rejected by the judges of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals, is very simple.

A president takes an oath to protect and defend the Constitution, which requires him to “take care that the laws are faithfully executed.” Some parties may be harmed by the execution of laws; In those cases, after leaving office, a former president should be immune from prosecution simply for doing his job.

If, on the other hand, those damages come from breaking the law, a former president should be subject to prosecution, because he was not doing his job as president.

It is clear that Joe Biden won the 2020 election and, according to the law of the land, is president. Thus, former President Trump, through his loud public denial of Biden's legally sanctioned victory, was inciting his supporters to violate the law.

Trump defied his duty as president.

Juan Jacobi, San Gabriel


To the editor: Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung seems as ill-informed as Trump. For him to say, “Without full immunity, a president of the United States could not function properly” is ridiculous, since our presidents have been functioning just fine without full immunity for over 200 years.

This screams fascism, the term Trump uses to describe the Democratic Party.

The Oxford English Dictionary describes fascism as a belief in the supremacy of a national or ethnic group, a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. I'm waiting for the day Oxford includes a photo of Trump next to this definition.

Diton Rum, Highlands


To the editor: Knowing all the ways Trump is trying to win his party's presidential nomination, I am convinced he has no interest in governing. Instead of offering his vision for the future, the former president just wants to play and win.

There are many convincing and simple reports so that all voters know the truth. I just wish his followers would look up those facts.

Claire Marmion, Foca Beach


To the editor: No, Mr. Trump, you can't shoot me and get away with it.

Tom Budlong, Los Angeles


To the editor: Here is a note on the constant and insistent use of the term “MAGA” by Democrats around the world, including and most prominently President Biden: Stop it!

The term “MAGA,” an acronym for Trump’s campaign slogan, fits perfectly into Trump’s playbook. Trump put it on posters on hats, t-shirts, billboards, etc., and Democrats' use of it does nothing but promote and emphasize his ugly message: that it is the criminally accused former president who is “making America great again.” time”.

“MAGA Republicans,” as Biden frequently calls them, are a compliment to the Republican base that disrespects our democracy and advocates an attack on all the principles we hold sacred. Democrats do not help their own cause by using a nickname that suggests the Republican Party is somehow improving our nation.

It is best to simply call them anti-American, fascist, or perhaps simply “Trumplican.”

Lee Cohen, Glendale

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