I'm an 80-something Swiftie, Republican, and Kamala Harris voter.

To the editor: I am an octogenarian Swiftie and proud of it. (“Donald Trump’s hate politics have arrived for Taylor Swift,” Opinion, September 18)

Ever since I heard Taylor Swift’s first hit song, “Tim McGraw,” in 2006, I fell in love with her music and her messages. In a world where a former American president is sowing fear, Swift writes and sings about hope, joy, love, kindness, and all the other emotions that generate positive feelings and connectivity not only among the world’s youth, but also among some of us “old folks.”

In a world where so many celebrities choose to stay out of politics, Swift steps up and stands up for what she truly believes is ethical and honorable, regardless of the potential consequences.

I am reminded of a famous quote from my high school days: “A man with courage is a majority.” I think it is very pertinent, except for the fact that we are talking about a young woman who has the courage to stand up with love, kindness and compassion while fearlessly confronting those who instill hatred and fear.

Even though I’m a lifelong Republican, I will be voting for Vice President Kamala Harris, because, Mr. Trump, in the words of Swift, “We are never, ever getting back together!”

David Brubaker, Palm Desert


To the editor: When Trump and his supporters say that Swift should stick to entertainment and stay out of politics, it is the height of hypocrisy.

What was Trump before he ran for president? A famous artist.

His “do as I say, not as I do” attitude is emblematic of today’s Republican politicians and, at its core, hypocritical.

Richard Brown, Irvine

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