I'm 54 years old, I've been smoking marijuana for 33 years and I feel great.

To the editor: The author of the letter that warned about the possible effects of marijuana use should speak for herself.

I am 54 years old and I have been smoking marijuana for 33 years. I have never been late to take my kids to school or missed a single event of theirs, and my kids are now 18 and 15 years old. I even drive better and safer when I'm high.

I value my brain and my body and I am completely happy. There is no trace of anxiety or depression in me.

I earned a bachelor's degree in mathematics and statistics and worked in the technology field full-time for 14 years before moving from Boston to Los Angeles to raise my children. Oh, and he was never late for work: he arrived at 7:30 every morning.

Don't demonize something you have no experience with. And let those with experience explain the truth about marijuana to you.

Thanks to The Times for alerting us to the use of pesticides in container growing. Since I am so healthy, I will consider my marijuana use. And I am not afraid to publish my name in this association.

Ann Marie Polce, Sherman Oaks


To the editor: Are legal cannabis products and sales not being tracked?

Anyone who purchased a contaminated product deserves a class action settlement and a list of the products they purchased that were contaminated. Spread the word.

Skyler Clarke, Rohnert Park, California.

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