'I see myself in Katie Britt': What liberal critics overlooked

To the editor: Columnist Lorraine Ali's analysis of Sen. Katie Britt's (R-Ala.) rebuttal to President Biden's State of the Union address spent no time on the substance of her speech, sticking to Ali's focus on the background from the kitchen.

Ali, on the other hand, criticized what he saw as “dragging.”[ing] Viewers are taken back to a time when women knew their place…in the kitchen.” What a superficial interpretation of a speech full of nuance, texture and much more optimistic than Biden's angry speech.

I saw Britt's speech very differently. I am a wife, mother, grandmother, and recently retired college counselor. I see myself in Katie Britt, working full time at a demanding job serving her state and our country, while finding time to raise her family. She is a brave role model.

This is not a back-to-the-kitchen moment. It is a tribute to today's successful women. I applaud Britt's service and commitment. We should all do it.

Victoria De Felice, Irvine


To the editor: As a news and culture critic, Ali did her job in her usual excellent style. But she wishes she would bring up Britt's blatant lie.

As reported elsewhere, the harrowing story of a young woman being raped was true, except that the young woman is now an adult woman who testified before Congress in 2015 about sex trafficking. She endured these horrible acts deep in Mexico, nowhere near the border, and when George W. Bush was president.

This has nothing to do with Biden or the border and everything to do with how the Republican Party will twist the facts to keep the border front and center.

Evelyn Thompson, Woodland Hills


To the editor: After reading Ali's article on Britt's rebuttal to the State of the Union address, noting in particular the description of the setting (I mean, the kitchen), I suddenly realized that “The Stepford Wives” was actually a documentary.

Craig Arnold, Long Beach

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