I don't want to vote for Biden or Trump, but one is clearly worse

To the editor: I guess, to quote columnist Jonah Goldberg, I hate doubly because “I don't really want to vote for Biden or Trump.” (“Presidential debates usually don't matter. This Biden-Trump showdown could be different,” June 25)

Hey? Mr. Goldberg, I really don't want to vote for President Biden or former President Trump because they are both too old and neither is competent to be president.

I think (rather I hope) that our country has a better chance of surviving (that's all, just surviving) four more years with Biden than with Trump. If Biden wins, hopefully he will surround himself with competent advisors who have our country's best interests at heart. I hope I listen to them.

Trump is a blatant liar who doesn't care about our country or anyone but himself. You can't believe anything he says. He doesn't listen to anyone who disagrees with him. He is a truly despicable person, but many in the Republican Party continue to support him. Could someone explain why?

Jay James, Pico Rivera


To the editor: Once again the acuity of your newspaper's journalistic integrity is up for debate. (“Continued attacks on Trump and Biden's mental acuity loom over first presidential debate,” June 21)

There is no comparison between Biden's grasp of reality, compassion or competence and the absurd behavior of his criminal opponent, who spews Hitlerian rhetoric and mentions electrocuted sharks.

Any questioning of Biden's acumen comes directly from those who are so desperate that they doctor videos, exaggerate missteps, and outright lie. Stop giving them oxygen to promote their false claims.

The past three years of unprecedented success under the Biden administration should deter any ethical news organization from attempting to address “both sides” on this issue.

Shelley Rivlin, Encino


To the editor: Can we agree that the endless debate about the mental acuity of presidential candidates is crazy?

If Biden were in a coma, I would choose him over the least qualified candidate in history. Expect rational, American-loving citizens to do the same.

This is the worst-case scenario of a Biden victory: He suffers a stroke and entrusts competent and ethical non-sociopaths with proposing policy, while Republicans in Congress block every single bill. Not much is done, but federal agencies will not be effectively dismantled.

The scenario is a little different if Trump wins: all his cronies fill every crevice of Washington, consolidating his seat on the throne of absolute power and eliminating anyone who stands in his way. This time he will dismantle all the pillars of democracy and abolish the last threads of separation between Church and State.

This is not conjecture, but what he has openly embraced. Oh yes, low flow toilets will be banned.

Greg Hilfman, Topanga

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