Governor Gavin Newsom should avoid giving the voices of the extreme right a place in his podcast

To the editor: The reason why people who have appeared in the podcast of Governor Gavin Newsom are popular is because they spread hatred and fear (“Yes, Newsom's new podcast is shocking. But it is also intelligent?” March 18). It is not brave or wise to give these people more voice. I understand why Newsom has done this because he wants to be heard by that crowd.

Hate and fear are easy to sell because people seem to want to blame someone else when things go wrong in their lives. I hate the person who goes to college because you weren't. He fears the immigrant because they are responsible for not successful.

It is strange that people who seem to worship almost all are university graduates and much of our country is composed of immigrants. We need to stop being a country of complaints and start working together to preserve this great experiment of democracy before it goes.

Linda Shabsin, Diamond Bar


To the editor: In the article on the appearance of Newsom with Steve Bannon, I once again read Bannon's statement that the 2020 elections were stolen. Don't you occur to those unconditional denials of President Biden's victory to question whether the Democrats had maneuver talents to steal an election in 2020, why didn't they put that knowledge to use again in 2024?

Zena Thorpe, Chatsworth

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