Goodbye, Elon Musk. California won't miss you.

To the editor: Elon Musk is once again turning his back on his most loyal customers, the customers who put Tesla on the map, by moving his companies, including SpaceX, to Texas. His arrogance will be his downfall.

I currently own two Teslas and they will be my last. I hope my fellow Californians will join me in this boycott.

Mr. Musk, good luck selling your electric vehicles to the Texans. You're going to need it.

Ernest Cohen, Newport Beach


To the editor: I have worked in the aerospace industry and sometimes a company's plans to move out of California have backfired for a variety of reasons. These include:

  • Chances are your top talent can find another job close to home.
  • Many spouses now have their own careers and don't just pack up and leave.
  • Not all workers will want to move and lose access to their network of family and friends.
  • If you sell your home in California and move to a lower-cost state, you may not be able to afford to return if the job or new location doesn't work out, and you may have to pay a high capital gains tax if you sell your home in California.
  • The same quality of education for your children may not be available in your new location.
  • The weather.
  • Culture.
  • The politics.

Kary Jacobsen, Hidden


To the editor: Californians were speechless when we heard that Musk was taking his toys and moving to Texas. Is anyone surprised? I'm surprised he waited so long, but he found a good excuse to blame his departure on California's progressive culture.

I'm on my fourth Tesla and it will be my last.

At one point, Musk was a brilliant businessman; that phase of his apparent sociopathy is long gone. What a shame. Now that former President Trump is a wholly owned subsidiary of Musk, and his running mate, Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), is a wholly owned subsidiary of Peter Thiel, we can all rest easy knowing that the country will be in good hands.

The Supreme Court has made some horrible decisions in the last term, but none so devastating to the country and our democracy as the decision a decade ago to allow unlimited money to be spent to buy elections and own candidates.

Maybe one day our great country will regain its sense of balance and equanimity, and return us all to the time when we, the people, owned our elected officials, not people like Musk and Thiel.

Michael Schneider, Laguna Beach


To the editor: To this furious Karen who threatens to take her business elsewhere, I say, “Have a good one and have fun trying to do something with that state's constantly failing power grid.”

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory is here, and its cheap knock-off version will not be missed.

Sol Taylor, Riverside

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