Give us Adam Schiff vs. Katie Porter, not Schiff vs. Steve Garvey

To the editor: I am fully aware that politics is a “dirty business.” However, Rep. Adam Schiff's (D-Burbank) campaign for senator is so dishonest that it requires comment. (“Is Adam Schiff playing dirty in California's US Senate race? No, he's not,” Feb. 7 column)

His worst fear is that Rep. Katie Porter (D-Irvine) will oppose him in November. So she runs countless ads comparing herself to Republican candidate Steve Garvey, giving Garvey free publicity and, more importantly, trying to boost his poll numbers.

If Garvey takes second place on March 5 and advances to the November general election, Schiff is a shoo-in for the election.

Why not run an honest Schiff vs. Porter campaign? Then voters will be able to decide which candidate will best serve our state.

John Tickner, Thousand Oaks


To the editor: Is anyone else bored of Schiff's TV ads yet?

My problem with Garvey is not that he is too conservative for California. We could use some ideological diversity. My problem with him is that he voted for Donald Trump twice.

That first vote could be forgiven. Who knew what they could really get from the politically inexperienced celebrity?

But a second vote, after almost four years of what we could all see with our own eyes, seems to show a lack of common sense. Garvey's near non-participation in the recent debate showed a lack of almost anything else that could serve our state.

Reggie Kenner, Manhattan Beach


To the editor: At least The Times didn't completely ignore Schiff's House censure in its retrospective analysis of his career.

Near the end of the article, you cited the House resolution that Schiff “misled the American people and brought the House of Representatives into disrepute.”

Schiff's ads cite his editorial board's Jan. 14 endorsement that he “has the respect of lawmakers on both sides of the aisle.” Not a single Republican voted last June against censuring him, meaning he is the least likely legislative partner for anyone “on the other side of the aisle.”

With only 27 such censures in American history, Schiff's extreme partisanship and pushback from his House colleagues make me hopeful for a candidate who can “work across both parties.”

Raymond Roth, Oceanside

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