Everything you need to know about green technology

While some efforts aimed at improving human life have come at the expense of the vitality of our environment, a ray of hope has emerged in the form of green technology, also known as green technology.

This field has become a central driving force for positive change in an ever-evolving world. Greentech sustainable solutions are paving the way to a future where human well-being and environmental health can coexist harmoniously.

The green technology market is ready to expand

The Global Green Technology and Sustainability Market Research Report 2023 by Market Research Future forecasts that the worldwide green technology and sustainability market will increase from $20.6 billion in 2023 to $37.2 billion in 2032, showing an compound annual growth rate of 7.70%.

With the green technology sector expected to grow at an impressive rate, it will be helpful for stakeholders to understand the language.

Understand green technology concepts

TechRepublic Premium has created a quick glossary of 48 key concepts to help people understand what's going on.

This exclusive resource decodes the complex world of green technology and offers clarity on terms such as carbon tracking software, a digital solution or system used by companies to quantify, track, evaluate and report their greenhouse gas emissions and their carbon footprint. Its goal is to help companies and other entities monitor and manage their environmental impact, particularly carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas emissions.

You will also find words like greenwashing, which refers to misleading or deceptive marketing practices by organizations that exaggerate or falsely claim environmental benefits in their products or services, and green bonds, which refer to financial instruments used to obtain funds related to beneficial initiatives. For the enviroment. (e.g. advances in renewable energy) with the proceeds going towards long-term sustainable projects.

Explore the glossary further to unravel the complexities of energy conservation: initiatives or efforts to minimize energy use through behavioral modifications and new developments in technology. Some examples include unplugging electronic devices and chargers when not in use, biking or walking instead of driving, and installing low-flow faucets and shower heads.

This resource will also allow you to dive into the realm of green infrastructure, which refers to a strategically established network of natural or nature-based solutions that are designed and regulated to provide a variety of ecosystem services such as water management, reduction of urban heat and improvement. biodiversity in urban areas.

Elsewhere in the glossary the concepts of carbon pricing, energy justice, green certification and green transportation are explained.

If this sounds intriguing, you can download the quick 11-page glossary for $19 at TechRepublic Premium.

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