Elon Musk's behavior and other reasons for the slowdown in electric vehicle sales

To the editor: I just purchased a Hyundai Ioniq 6 electric vehicle. While I think the Tesla Model Y is an exceptional value for an electric SUV, I simply couldn't buy a Tesla product because their CEO, Elon Musk, is a very toxic public figure. (“Electric vehicle sales in California are falling. Is it just temporary or a threat to state climate goals?”, February 15)

Furthermore, it infuriates me that he criticizes California (and has moved his headquarters to Texas) even though Californians are his bread and butter.

I would add that EV dealers themselves undermine sales with incredibly high margins on top of already expensive products. To its credit, Tesla doesn't have unpleasant margins, just an unpleasant leader.

The Ioniq 6 is simply the best car I have ever purchased. Once the charging network issues are resolved and there is price parity with gasoline-powered vehicles, electric vehicles will dominate the auto industry and help us achieve our emissions reduction goals.

George Garcia, Long Beach


To the editor: Five years ago I bought a Tesla Model 3.

I'm not a fan of Musk's morbid wealth, politics, or eccentric personality, but I am a fan of electric vehicles that help the environment because they produce less pollution than gasoline-powered vehicles. This is true even though much of our electricity is still generated by fossil fuels.

Affordable electric vehicles and more charging stations will attract future consumers. Anything the government can do to improve or streamline the process will help.

Carol Stansbury, Torrance


To the editor: My next car will likely be an electric vehicle, but I've postponed the purchase for these reasons:

  • Plug compatibility. Europe and many countries have a standard plug, but not the US. Manufacturers are slowly adopting the Tesla plug for the US market.
  • Reliability. It takes a few years to work out the bugs of new technologies.
  • Lack of fast charging stations.
  • Lack of affordable cars. Manufacturers are selling their largest, highest-priced electric vehicles here, while offering lower-cost models abroad.

Countries like Norway have made it easier for people to buy and use electric vehicles. The United States needs to do the same.

Alan Coles, Long Beach


To the editor: My husband and I have an electric pickup truck that we use to tow a travel trailer. If we need to stop to charge, we must first find a place to disconnect the trailer, then drive to the charging station, and then return to reconnect the trailer before continuing our trip.

Our last trip from Palm Springs back to Ventura took 13 hours. At our scheduled charging stop, all six chargers were unplugged. I stayed in the trailer with the dogs while my husband ended up visiting four other charging stations.

It was only able to get an 80% charge, which required making another stop.

Linda Millstone, Ventura


To the editor: The quote in this article that “the government and automakers have spent billions of dollars on something consumers may not want” was really depressing.

The question is: Do consumers really want the alternative: the increasing floods, fires and droughts that accompany climate change?

For us as electric vehicle owners, it is clear that the problem is the lack of reliable charging stations and the anxiety this causes in drivers. The cost is not the problem. By eliminating the cost of gasoline and significantly reducing maintenance over the life of your vehicle, electric vehicles like the Chevrolet Bolt are actually cheaper than cars that run on fossil fuels.

If California wants to deliver on its climate promises, it must ensure the necessary infrastructure is built as quickly as possible. This is not a choice. It is the only option if we want a habitable planet for future generations.

Leslie Simon and Marc Bender, Woodland Hills

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