Editorial: Experience should not be a burden for political candidates

Over the past several months, the Times editorial board interviewed more than 100 people running for local and federal offices on the March 5 ballot. Time and time again we hear a similar refrain from politically inexperienced candidates: “I'm not a career politician” and “We need to stop electing career politicians.”

But what's wrong with being a career politician?

In every other industry, professional experience is considered a good thing for potential employees. In elections, voters essentially hire their representatives for local, state, and federal governments. But the policy is unusual in that work experience can be seen as a liability rather than an asset. Some voters like the idea of ​​an outsider who can shake up the government and see elected office as a temporary endeavor.

Imagine a hospital executive vetting candidates for a position and thinking, “I don't want another career surgeon.” And what person facing criminal charges would want to hire a lawyer who declares, “I am not a career lawyer”?

That's absurd. So is the idea that something is wrong with people who choose to pursue careers in public service. Like any professional, legislators hone their skills over time. It is the rare individual who can arrive at City Hall, Sacramento, or Washington, DC, and quickly excel at turning bills into law, overseeing government agencies, and delivering to constituents.

It's even sillier to hear so much contempt for people who have held political office. of people running for political office. Who will these candidates be if they are elected and decide to serve more than one term? Career politicians, or close to it.

And if they are good at their job, why shouldn't they leverage their experience and skills to seek promotion by running for a higher position? Former California Governor Jerry Brown, US Senator Alex Padilla and Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass are all career politicians who have moved from office to office with strong voter support.

In this election, the editorial board endorsed several “career politicians,” meaning state legislators who want to serve on the Los Angeles City Council or move to Congress. Every career is unique and we look at the entirety of each candidate, including how their experience and skills would fit the role.

But when we recommend voters elect a longtime politician, like Assemblymember Miguel Santiago (D-Los Angeles) for Los Angeles City Council District 14 or Assemblywoman Laura Friedman (D-Glendale) for District 30, Congress, it's often because they are known quantities. and have a track record of success. We have seen their leadership in action and know they will get things done in the next office.

However, not all “career politicians” are the best candidates in every race, and it is not uncommon for us to choose a newcomer over the current or established politician. For example, we favored Eddie Anderson for Los Angeles District 10 over Assemblyman Reggie Jones-Sawyer (D-Los Angeles), who served 12 years in the Legislature and championed important criminal justice reforms. Anderson stood out as someone who could bring new vision and energy to the district.

The impulse to reject “career politicians” out of hand is understandable at this point. There is a lot of frustration among voters about the current situation. In Los Angeles, progress on solving big problems—relieving homelessness, building affordable housing, and expanding public transportation—is not happening fast enough. California is once again facing a staggering budget shortfall that could cut public services and investments. And Congress seems unable to pass any meaningful legislation, including keeping the government running for more than a few months at a time.

As we know from the 2106 presidential election, rejecting an experienced leader in favor of a rookie can be dangerous. Sometimes the right choice is to exchange long-term elected officials for people with new ideas, but not when their only crime is choosing to stay in public service for more than a couple of years. More often than not, their expertise is just what we need.

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