Don't like Amazon invading your privacy? Here's how to act

To the editor: Jen Caltrider wrote that “consumers should not bear the burden of improving Amazon; policymakers and regulators should.”

Do you really want to wait until then? If you want to switch from Amazon, cancel your memberships, delete your accounts, and use your local stores and libraries for your needs. Otherwise, Amazon will continue to rule the world.

Moira Waddell, Los Angeles


To the editor: It is unfair to single out Amazon as a data and personal information collector. Everyone has taken over our privacy, be it websites, the government (cameras in public spaces), vehicle tracking devices, cell phones, social media, etc. That's just the way it is.

I, for one, am celebrating 30 years of Amazon. Jeff Bezos' fantastic website has made my life much easier. I can get almost anything there. It's relatively easy to use, and as a Prime member, I get extra benefits and fairly fast free shipping. Sure, I have some issues with Amazon, but overall I have to say that it has changed people's lives completely. One of the main things I'm truly grateful for.

Rodger Hargear, Los Angeles

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