Do you think it has magical powers against forest fires?

To the editor: The pseudonym writer Peachy Keenan imagines that if conservatives as she had been in charge of California during the last half century:

  • The laws of physics would have changed magically so that all fire hydrants have a lot of water in all circumstances;
  • They would have arrested the prolonged period of drought that create dangerously dry conditions;
  • And they would have magically avoided the winds of Santa Ana incredibly strong and dry that extend rapidly.

And the poor and persecuted Keenan wonders why Maga does not receive respect.

William Yarchin, Huntington Beach


To the editor: Let's bet if those who are in authority will hold those who dropped the ball by not preparing for the fires caused by the victories of Santa Ana that would surely arrive.

He will not be fired, I bet.

By the way: Keenan's great article.

Jim Kennedy, Smyrna, Tenn.


To the editor: I have been a Times Loyal reader since 1973. However, after reading Keenan, I have to ask the question: why would you print something that belongs to the “Moms for Liberty” website and not in the pages of the Times? ?

After 52 years, I hope better. Thank you.

Robert Deniz, Chinese

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