Dear Trump: You are right about us immigrants. We will reduce murders.

To the editor: Former President Trump, you are right. Vice President Kamala Harris allowed immigrants to come to this country illegally along with millions of others so that we would vote for her.

When my asylum at home emptied and my violent husband was released from prison, we were glad to start over in a new country. Harris supported us in undergoing transgender surgery while we were housed in the luxury asylum center, generously funded by American taxpayers.

In gratitude, we want to give back to this country in any way we can. My husband is now selling drugs to school children and by the way, he has reduced rape and murder. I am grateful too and when I sell my cookbook, “Yummy Dog and Cat Recipes,” I will send the proceeds to abortion clinics so they can continue executing newborn babies.

You'll see: we are very hard-working.

Andrea Ehrgott, Topanga

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