Dear Trump supporters, you're better than this, right?

To the editor: Trump supporters, shame on you. (“Biden and Trump near November rematch after Super Tuesday wins,” March 5)

You don't need me to tell you that the former president is a liar, a cheat, a fraud, a bigot, a bully; he could continue. You know it and you ignore it.

What I want you to consider is, what does this say about you? Is this the type of person your parents taught you to be or support? Are these the values ​​you grew up with? I doubt it, or there would be a lot more evil in the country than there already is.

However, you succumb to this man's act. You are better than this.

I write this not to get the vote for President Biden, but rather to ask him about his own motives. I may even vote for Republican Nikki Haley if she is nominated, at least she is honest.

For most of us, our family stories did not begin in America. We are a country of immigrants. Electing a person like Trump is spitting in the face of ancestors who fought to come to this country to escape rulers like him.

Deborah Coplein, Newark, Delaware.


To the editor: Imagine having elected politicians with the courage to abandon some of the least popular presidential candidates in history instead of moving forward to try to hold on to their own power.

Imagine them choosing presidential candidates who offer options based on their political skill in international affairs.

Imagine presidential candidates capable of thinking clearly and understanding that the needs of the nation may be greater than their egos.

Imagine the same politicians forced to run in districts not designed to keep them in office without real competition.

Imagine them all striving to create a real debate between liberals and conservatives based on real issues instead of insults, ideologies and fears.

Imagine the effective and honest democracy all this would create.

Philip Borden, Rancho Palos Verdes


To the editor: Most patriotic Americans agree that stopping Trump is the obligation of all citizens and should be the obligation of all politicians.

If Biden is the patriot he would like us all to believe he is, then he should ask Republican Nikki Haley to be his vice presidential running mate.

Doing so would certainly unite the country in a way never seen before and demonstrate his commitment to putting the country first.

Ron Papell, Los Angeles

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